
Jessica Cantwell
Contemporary Romance, New Adult Romance, Women's Fiction, Literary Fiction, Fantasy, Teen & Young Adult, Children's
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- Member Since
Aug 2021
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- Country
United States
- Profession
Jessica Cantwell is a disabled author, illustrator, and advocate navigating life with secondary progressive multiple sclerosis. When she’s not writing, you can find her reading, yard sale rummaging, drawing, painting, or refinishing furniture. She has a passion for baking (eating everything she bakes) and travel. You may find her biting bitterballen in Amsterdam, popping pirogues in Poland, or munching on meat pies in London!
Jessica is a dreamer who spends her days crafting fantastical adventures in far-off lands, penning commercial fiction that hits a little closer to home, or illustrating bright and imaginative children’s picture books.
You can follow Jessica on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok at @msjesscantwell